Friday, August 8, 2014

Keep It Alien - A Great Interview with Jonathan Glazer - Director of "Under the Skin"

Here is a great interview with Jonathan Glazer, Director of Under the Skin. This film is one of my inspirations for a recent script I am working on, "Mirum Lux."

I really enjoy his balance of style and substance. "Simplicity is something you end with," he says. "You don't start with it- you get to it. If you're lucky you get to it." I couldn't agree more. I refer to it as, "elegant simplicity," which is what I think all good art films strive for. At least the art films I enjoy.

"Under the Skin" is one of my favorite films of this year and if you haven't seen it yet, you definitely ought to- and not to see Scarlett Johansson in the buff. The tone and rhythm of the film is mesmerizing due in no small part to the wonderful soundtrack. The sense of place is somewhat disorienting and "alien," as Glazer would refer to it. Some might find the film uncomfortable, but I think this adds to the plot of the film. This disorientation drives you forward to seek some sort of solid ground- to get your bearings as it comes to the deep meanings of this disturbing tale. And that's a great mental space for this kind of film to fill.

Making a film like this must be difficult if you can't get a producer to help you get the kind of funding that knows what to expect from this sort of art flick. But as you can see, it is possible.

The film truly succeeds at making the viewer wonder what it is about- even after watching it in it's entirety. It is inspiring to see films like this.

So, see the film and tell me what you think it is about.

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