Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where have I been?

Ive been lost in a world of filmmaking! A world of my own creation! A world where people need to have confidentiality clauses in their contracts...

Yes, I haven't really been maintaining this blog very well! The LIBERTY No. 5 POST is supposed to be a massive part of my filmmaking research & discovery process into the world of "the Industry". But, since I was involved in making a feature earlier this year I stopped posting, not because I didn't have anything to say but because much of what I was thinking & talking about was basically intellectual property of the company that was formed to make the film I was working on. I also haven't posted very many pictures (of my experiences there) on the internet for the same reason. I have not been given free reign to post them officially, although I doubt anyone would dislike it that much-- it depends on who is using them & for what purpose (ie. do not post pictures on FB!!!). Protecting the production is always important. Anyways, back to the real post here...

I have kept the Liberty No. 5 blog alive (my personal producing/directing company is called "Liberty No. 5 Pictures" by the way) because there are so many great resources I've spent a lot of time gathering on here. Which reminds me, if you are looking for information on filmmaking subjects, etc... you should give some of the side links a gander. Many of them are great sources of info for filmmakers!

I will be posting more again very soon as I am now starting a new project... my own feature film... which isn't really my own (ha ha)!! I always find it interesting the obsessiveness people have about their 'favorite' Directors and that Director's artistry and 'ownership' of 'their' films. Knowing what I know, films are no more the producer's or director's work than the grip's or PA's work... but the Producers & Directors certainly take more risk & bear more responsibility than anyone else involved (to be specific, films are usually the Studio's, Distributor's or Private Investor's property speaking 'factually')... but that's besides the point here.

I have learned then, as it comes to the 'artistic ownership' which is what we are talking about here... that it is really the film's cast & the entire film crew (above & below the line) that makes a film's artistry what it is and that leads many times to a successful film or not. Also, the real ART that producers & directors have is to get the RIGHT cast & crew (and possibly, the right source of funding) together in the RIGHT way! Especially humble, trusted, professional sorts who work well under pressure... these are the sorts that seem to succeed! These are the one's I feel can take responsibility for their jobs & commit to learn & to practice professional arts without bringing in a bunch of drama or slackerdom to the set.

One thing I really dislike is when I see people passing the buck & gossiping about others. When things get rough during filmmaking, and they will... there is always something negative you can say about ANYONE. But film is such a personal face-to-face referrals-based business... one should really be careful what they say about anyone or anyone's production (unless you are a film reviewer or a journalist- then it is your job to do that- if done in a professional, non-slanderous fashion). You are messing with, potentially, someone's livelihood... their entire future- with blacklists & black marks- all of this is at risk on the tip of the tongue of one careless producer/director. But it isn't really a proper representation of that person... it was just something said in anger.

But these humble types... the ones you can trust... they do not pack ship & sail away... or betray those who have worked so hard with them. They can be trusted to help and not hinder the production because they are aware that so much is at stake. When you put your professional reputation on the line- my advice is... "know who it is you are working with... because they may be the last people you work with."

So, for the future... my next adventure appears to be getting the 'right sorts' together to really have an impact on the local film industry! So, stay tuned. There's more to come!

Happy Holidays to all my readers & Thank you!


1 comment:

DancinScrappinMama said...

Hi Jon, it's Christy (Nickoley) Besser...I used to date Steve. Remember me? How are you and Rebecca? Email me--tcbesser@yahoo.com. Merry Christmas! My blog: blogspot.trbesser.com